Sunday, November 14, 2010

the end.

i wake up early this morning. the first thing that i do when i wake up was texting him saying gud morning, as always.but he didn't reply. until 12.30pm...i started to worry since he's gonna have an exam at 2.15 but still x bangun ke?i started to worried n kept calling him till 2pm but yet no answer. i knw there's somthing wrong with him. 3pm i went to college...i went to the exam hall n he wasn't there. i felt totally depressed. i went to his rumah sewa but his frens said he'd never come. sumpah risau gile. ke's not at home nor in umah sewa. so where the hell is he???!!! after feeling so damn fucking tired looking for him..i decided to go home. on my way back...he finally text me saying thathe's juz fine..ther's no need to feel worry about. hotak ko. aku dh penat,dh serabot cri ko...ko bole senang2 ckp cmtu. shit la. ok fine. if u need some space...i'll give A LOT of damn fucking space...!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I did go to the library yesterday!! hehe... I studied statistics. Pfft...driving me nuts! It's not that's just that i'm too lazy to use my mind on how to solve a question. huhuhu.. I'm supposed to teach Myza on costing but unfortunately, dh terlupe everything sbb dh lme x buat...ksian die. Luckily Hby ade and he helped her doing costing. :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's time for final exams dh start study week....means that final exam is just around the corner!! aiyakk... i'm not ready yet... wahai UiTM, bolehkah jauhkan sedikit final exam itu? huhu... My carry mark yg plg lowest is....STATISTICS. Mane x low nye kalau both test failled..then assignment n quiz buat 1 je...hadoyaii.... Chapter 1-5 start chpter 6 till end x faham...sbb ape? sbb sy x msuk klas...hmm.. cmne ni....??! Eco dh ok,ctu bole la...bel good,mgt no xtau...hkr 4flat...hehe... sabtu n ahad are the days utk REHAT. Plan nk study on bngun tdo je...pnyakit mls tu dh dtg... haih. At last, i decide to go to the LIBRARY on Tuesday. Dh x ngadap katil,tv,lptop...baru bole study dgn aman! Huyeh!! hehe... On wdnesday nk hang out kat WANGSA WALK. Hahah...sempat lg... lah!!! huhu... hmm...please wish me a gudluck... no repeat paper anymore....x sanggup.... no pointer dh nk up lg....harap2 dpt... :)

Dear my sayang...i miss u so much...

Friday, October 15, 2010


I have accidentally send a wrong message to my Hby saying that he is STUPID. OMG!! Gle bodo. Act, we're supposed to go to the Pavillion but mase tengah tunggu lif nk turun bwah to meet him, he text me n said that die kne g klas or else carry mark will be deducted. I was pissed off...for sure. Dah siap2 sume n tengah tggu lif bru ckp x jd kuar. Mmg angin satu badan la. If tau from the earlier...bole jugak ajak Hana and Miza. Ni tak, dorg pun dh balik..then only i knew x jd kuar. =.='' Baring atas tilam mengadap kipas yg berputar2 laju kat bilik ostel tu dengan hati yg panas...took my fon...n start typing a msg. "Hana, sameer x jd kuar. Die kne g klas pulak. Bodo tol" and i pressed send. Few seconds after that i received a smiley :) from my Hby. So i read the previous message and guess what....message yg sepatutnye disend kat Hana tersend kat Hby!!! Damn gile. huhu... however, i still said SORRY eventhough tengah bengang gile time tu...but he didn't reply. He ignored me for one day. I called him byk kali. Called his friends but none of them ade ternampak die. Hmm. Lastly i called Mike...and he gave me this nasihat. If he ignored ignore je die balik..buat something yg 10x more than what he did to you cz you rules him..macam dalam chess..he is the king,u're the queen n we're jus the knight...king tu bole gerak setapak je but the queen bole gerak more than 10 you chill je la...sebab at the end die akan cari you balik...juz ingat that u ruled his world. Ye ke? Somehow i think that he is the one who ruled my world. Haih..ntahla... Kinda serabut!! When i almost give up in pujuk die,calling him...he send me a text msg saying that he's ok..he'll text me later cz he got something to do..dnt call him again cz HIS FON'S BATTERY IS ABOUT TO EMPTY. Fine...i won't call u...juz wait for u to find me... 5 hours later...he said sorry n how he loved me.. =.=''

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Al-Lughatul Ar-Rabiya

Pfft...such a hectic week!! A lot of things need to be done..MGT, lakonan Arab, persembahan kreatif Arab...hmm...getting insane! MGT tu sume nye i need to do it by myself...other group members wat bodo je...mmg PENAT cmni..haih! This whole week its all about ARAB...lakonan la...persembahan kreatif la... Lakonan dh siap...tinggal nk edit je...but somehow its still memenatkan cz bkn senang nk edit...nk ltak subtitle script was done by MOHAMED to him la...kalau tak lagi berzaman la nak siap...dengan ayat tunggang-langgang..huhu.. My persembaham kreatif lak...what a group consists of 5 people...and these 2 girls which I named them as Ms.A & Ms.B gile nye gelabah...dorang kecoh2 nk practice the night before recording which is last nyte but i fell asleep cz i'm so damn fucking tired...they kept calling me,texting me,knocking on my door...and i was like duhh...g la practice sndri!!..bukan susah pun...adoyai...this morning Ms.A send a text message to my roomate which is also my group member...saying that "korg,aku risau ni...korg dah la x hafal skrip lagi...jap lg dh nk psembahan...cmne ni?"...oi2, sdap ko je ckp ktorg x hafal skrip lg eh... When the time came around...guess who yg x hafal skrip...? It was Ms.B and that little Ms.A was kinda blur...SHIT gle kot...sebok hal org..sendiri pnye time do mind ur own business ok? After rakaman, Ms.B hentak her bag konon nk tnjuk marah cz the recording mcm x jd sgt...damn r that girl...tgk balik dlm video pun nmpk ketara gile kot die baca skrip..then nk mengamuk kat org..ktorg punye part ok je...that's the moral story of being asleep..haha! Ms.A diam je cz she like a PAK TURUT of Ms.B...before Ms.B get lost...she got a chance of saying "TAK PASAL2 MARKAH KITE TERUK"...perempuan ni gile ke ape? heylo...markah ni individual ok...pehal lak markah ko nak same ngn aku??!! When she realised that it is individual mark...she started nak menggelabah...and she requested for another recording and i said, "aku ade banyak lagi kerja nak buat,ok? i don't have time for u. TTYL!!!" FUCK U, aku nak ngadap muka korg lg...agak2 r weh...nak ngadap muke korg utk last scene for lakonan pun aku dh naek mnyampah ni lg nk suruh aku ngdap muke korg for another 1 nyte...bikin gua dpt NYTEMARE je...haih! Persembahan kreatif td...many groups done better...yang paling kelakar was PEAH'S GROUP...gilenye lawak...dorg amek lagu NOBODY by WONDERGIRLS and they danced like in the MV...OMG!!..i can't stop laughing...sengal gile...seeing that mangkok menari..sumpah lawak gile! I MISS MY sempat lunch same je...i'm busy with my work...and he's busy helping his friends...nvm.. =.="

Sunday, October 10, 2010



The first time we hang out together was at Pavilion.
The second time was at NZ Curry House, Wangsa Maju watching CHELSEA VS ARSENAL.
The first time that we had an overnyte was at Salak Selatan studying COSTING
The first movie that we watch together was CRAZY at Pavilion. Yeah, it's Pavilion again.
The first time u told me that u LIKE me was during early morning after we studied COSTING together.
The first time we went for a KARAOKE was at Ur fren's house.
After HANGING OUT together a last u asked me to be UR GIRL on 8th MAY 2010.
After being with u for 5 MONTHS and 2 DAYS, i'm still so IN LOVE WITH U...


A vow

I made this SOLEMN PROMISE to you,

To be your LOVER when you need to be loved,
your DOCTOR when you are ill,
your ARMY when you go to war,
your UMBRELLA when life rains down on you,
your ROCK when you get weary,
your SHIELD when you nedd defense,
your SPIRIT when you are drained,
your PILLOW when you need to rest,
your VOICE when no one can hear you,
your EAR when no one will listen,
your COMFORT when you feel pain,
your HERO when you are under duress,
your SUNSHINE when darkness falls,
your ANSWER when quetions arise,
your INSPIRATION to overcome obstacles,
your HAND to hold when you are frightened,
your KISS that wakes you everyday,
and your 'I LOVE YOU' each and every night.

I am yours...all of me.